Learn more about the conservation work of Ipipiri Nature Conservancy Trust
Planting at Te Akau
Extensive vegetation planting at Te Akau started in June 2024 with the assistance of Rawhiti hapu and Bay of Islands College environmental studies students.
Te Akau (Elliot Bay) saved for conservation
The Ipipiri Nature Conservancy Trust is delighted to announce it has raised the full $8 million needed to purchase Elliot Bay in the Bay of Islands.
Planning a trail through Te Akau
One of the first priorities for the Ipipiri Nature Conservancy Trust is to develop a high-quality walk through the property. A potential route has been found that goes through the farm and to high points in the adjoining forest.
Strengthening our pest control programme
The Ipipiri Nature Conservancy Trust is looking at the opportunity to increase the level of pest control at Te Akau to help form a significant barrier against pests and realise a dream of the community; to make the Cape Brett peninsula pest-free.